No Uncle, No Uncle, Blind Uncle, Better uncle

He was concerned that I am taking his photos and videos because it is time for him to go. I said I was just documenting his stories. “One does that of big celebrities” he said. “Well, since none of us have a remote chance of being a celebrity, I am picking someone who is accessible” … to that he recited the fun translation of the bengali saying, “Nei Mama theke kana mama bhalo”. It is better to have a blind uncle than not to have any at all.

As you may see from the video, captured this afternoon, he is doing pretty well. Dr Ramakrishnan and Dr. Madhava in their rounds observed that he is on track. He will continue to receive transfusions to keep his platelets up as they expect it to start going down in the upcoming week and weakness sets in. For now, energized after the Man United win against Man City, he is seen watching the Chelsea game, hoping they would lose and his Arsenal can go up the table.


Coffee & Pannalal Ghosh


Day 2 and 3